Thomas Lyte is a luxury goods business. When times are good, we make high-quality sustainable leather and beautiful silver. But now is not a time for luxury.
During crisis, focus has to change as individuals, and as a society. This is a time for us all to do what we can to help beat COVID-19. So we have temporarily halted our production.
Our colourful and beautifully patterned bag lining material will now instead be used to make surgical gowns for the care home sector.
Over the Easter weekend, some 325 metres was delivered, and the seamstresses have already started creating gowns for a large care home that employs 160 Nurses and Care staff. Our initial goal is to make 2 washable gowns each within days.
This is just one example of how we can all make a contribution, as active members of society. It is but a small step, but if we all do our bit, the overall impact will be huge.
Our own initiative came about because one of our colleagues came up with the idea, and everyone latched onto it with enthusiasm. The idea was then spurred on by one of our non-executive directors, Nick Farrow, who is also the Chairman of the Royal Warrant Holder’s Charity Fund. His partner, Sally Stubbs, is running a large care home that needs more PPE, so contact was established and off we went.
It is heartening to see how many similar initiatives have emerged across the nations and regions of our United Kingdom. From community groups that help the elderly do their shopping or mow their lawns, to large corporates that step in to creatively serve the people, we are witnessing the emergence of a powerful sense of shared purpose and responsibility.
We are discovering that together, we can move mountains. Now, and in the future. This newfound resilience will put us in good stead as we embark on a long and hard process of healing from this punishing pandemic. But first, let’s all do what we can to knock it back.
All the best,
Kevin Baker
CEO of Thomas Lyte
Please find below, a video we uploaded of a BBC interview that I recently contributed to:
We have selected a number of case studies that demonstrate the broad range of our capabilities designing and making in precious metals.